My top ten versions of Psalm 23.

Psalm 23 is probably the world's most popular psalm.
I wrote a meditation on Psalm 23 in an earlier blog.
It has been put to music hundreds of times.
From hymns to choruses, Orthodox chant to Gospel, orchestra to band
Which is your favourite version?
Here is my Top Ten, starting with an old hymn
10. Isaac Watts
By the father of modern hymns, composed in the 1700's
(#isaacwatts, #hymns, #thelordmyshepheris, #psalm23)
9. Gregory Stathis
Sacred music, traditional Greek Orthodox Christian chant from The Masters of Psaltic Art
(#orthodoxchant, #chant, #stathis, #psalticart)
8. Michael Card
Beautiful orchestration, sang as a ballad
(#michaelcard, #christianmusic)
7. Cissy Houston
It's clear where Whitney's voice comes from! Pure Gospel gold
(#cissyhouston, #gospel, #whitneyhouston)
6. Stuart Townend
Gentle, genuine, modern worship
5. The King of Love my Shepherd is
A beautiful arrangement of this hymn with its ancient Irish melody
(#kingoflove, #myshepherd)
4. Celtic Expressions
A Celtic take on a traditional hymn
(#celticexpressions, #celticworship, #joannahogg)
3.Keith Green
Made especially poignant as Keith Green died tragically in an air crash at the age of only 28
(#keithgreen, #thelordismyshepherd, #gospel)
2. John Rutter
The oboe's the star, seconded by the harp. Utterly beautiful.
(#rutter, #classical, #choral, #sacred)
My number 1 - which I have already chosen for the article on Meditation
1. Aled Jones & son
featured on Vicar of Dibley and featuring a father and his son
(#aledjones, #vicarofdibley, #hymn)