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Love of Self

Writer: Jill BallJill Ball

That's wrong - Right?

Love your neighbour as you love yourself

If you don't love yourself, how can you love your neighbour as yourself?

Jesus presupposes that we love ourselves, and generally that is true, but there are people who don’t like themselves or even hate themselves.

Maybe that's you.

Calligraphy of LOve your Neighbour as you love yourself

Love your own body

For years I didn’t love my body.

I know that because I didn’t treat it well and I didn’t look after it.

Now I have arthritis in various places, including by knees and hips, I do exercises given to me by a physiotherapist and I’m on a diet to lose a little weight so that I can keep hiking in the countryside for longer. I’m finally showing my body some love!

My father smoked 60 cigarettes a day for 40 years.

That was not showing his body love. It was self-destructive. Lots of us have habits like that – but this is only talking about our physical health.

Love Yourself

What if we don’t like who we are?

We hate our own character.

We don’t think anyone could love us, because we don’t deserve it.

There is nothing that you do, have done or could do, that could make God stop loving you. It is his nature. God is love and He loves you. However, it is true that you don’t deserve it. None of us do. That is the mercy of God and of Jesus Christ.

The truth is that our Creator and Father loves us, despite who we are. If God, our maker, loves us, do we have the right to hate ourselves?

If Jesus gave His life for us, dying on the cross, taking on Himself our guilt and shame so that we could be forgiven, can we really refuse this free gift of forgiveness, righteousness and honour?

Are we greater than the Lord?

Are we too evil to be forgiven?

Let’s accept His love and all He has given us.

Let’s accept that if Our Father can love us, then we can love ourselves.

Healthy self-love

If we can love ourselves, then we can also love our neighbour in the same way.

This is a healthy love of self.

We have all seen an unhealthy love of self.

Those who only love themselves and don't care about others. It's easy to see the difference.

Do we love our neighbour?

If you are wondering who your neighbour is, Jesus was asked this question by a young lawyer. You can read the answer in Luke 10 v 25 -37.

So heartfelt and genuine.

Yes, this is promoting clothing, but it's a great idea and a great song.

If you want to talk to someone about self harming here is a list of UK helplines from the TV show This Morning.

Read more about the love of God for you

A Call to Listen gives the platform to black voices to speak out and call out injustice.


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