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Love the Lord your God

Writer: Jill BallJill Ball

First He loved us. We love Him in response.

It is easy to love someone, when they love us and their heart is full of love for us.

calligraphy of Love the Lord your God with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength

God created us and from the beginning he showed Adam & Eve His love by surrounding them with the beauty and fruitfulness of the garden of Eden and by walking with them in the cool of the day.

The Father showed his love by sending His only, begotten Son, Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ on the cross

And Jesus showed us the Way of Love by coming as a servant, even washing our feet as the lowest slaves did.

Jesus showed what true love, true altruism, agape, divine love, is

- when he laid down His life to rescue us from the grave,

- when he took our sin and died in our place

- when he allowed them to arrest him and beat him

- when he suffered shame, so that we need never be shamed, but instead be honoured by the Lord

- when he broke the power of death, gloriously rising again to life

He saved us from ourselves and our own selfishness and set us free.

It is in response to this that we fall down on our knees to worship the Lord our God.

It is in response to His astounding, glorious, sacrificial love that we give our hearts to Him.

All of our hearts

When we realise how our Heavenly Father loves us,

it is natural to love him with all of our hearts.

Love the Lord your God, with
all of your heart,
all of your soul,
all of your mind,
all of your strength.
Deuteronomy 6 v 5

Emotions are one thing, but all of our soul, mind and strength?

Do I give my whole heart to God?

I often have a divided heart, enticed away by sparkly, shiny, unimportant things

Do I decide to love Him every moment?

I’m fickle and can easily decide to give my love elsewhere

Do I take every thought captive to Christ?

Only if I’m aware of Him. Often my mind wanders along unhelpful corridors, opening doors that should stay firmly shut.

Do I muster all my strength to love the Lord my God?

My love is a pale, pallid thing, weakened by being divided.

And yet I love Him and I know that He accepts me as I am.

He loves me enough to change me to be more like Him.

Love is much more than an emotion.

Love is a decision.

The Father's Love Letter

Have I told you Lately - Van Morrison

This popular love song was written by Van Morrison about loving God.


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