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Michael Feulner

Writer: Jill BallJill Ball

Hearing God's Voice

I would like to welcome our dear personal friend, Michael (pronounced Mick - ale) as our guest speaker. Michael, his wife Heike and little children came to Turkey from Germany to help the country rebuild after the devastating earthquake in the North West Turkey in 1999.

Michael founded a church in a city which had no known Christian witness. He is now a father to many and has a church with a Turkish, Arabic and Persian speaking congregation. He also cares for many other churches and leadership groups within the region.

Hello, dear brothers and sisters.

Today, I want to share something about prophecy. When we hear prophecy we easily think about the big prophets of the Old Testament, that received the Word from God, word by word, and received the words that are written in the Bible, or clear commandments of what the people of God should do.

But prophecy in the New Testament is very different. It actually means to hear from God, to hear His voice and to share it with others in the right situation, and this is mainly to encourage and to guide.

In John 10 verses 3 and 4, Jesus says - the ones who belong to me, my sheep, they hear my voice, they follow me and they know me.

The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice.
He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.
When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice.
John 10 v 3, 4

It is a sign of this new relationship we have with him, with God, because we are his children now. God clearly wants to lead his children and He wants to speak with them.

I want to share something that happened to me today. Heike, (Michael's wife) when she woke up, she told me that her muscles are sore and this has given her a headache. Sometimes I have given her a massage, but today I decided to pray for her.

Immediately, as I started to pray, a thought came to my mind, and this thought was that I should tell her to look it up on the internet and there must be some exercises you find on the internet, and when you do them they will be good for you. She did it and she found exercises and she did them and afterwards she felt so much better.

So I was excited about that, because God spoke to me today. At least, that is what I thought. The thought came as I looked to Him for help, and also another thing I am excited about is that God cares about these little problems of ours.

So why don't you pray,

'God speak to me today. Show me a solution'

- maybe for my problem or a solution for someone else.

God bless you.

This modern rendering of the ancient, priestly blessing of Numbers 6 v 24-26 has gone viral. Churches from across the UK and its denominations sing out a blessing for these difficult times.


2 commentaires

Jill Ball
Jill Ball
11 juil. 2020

Thank you for sharing this, Michael


10 juil. 2020

Simply love that blessing

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